About JCTB

Journal of Communication Technology and Business continues its goal of trying to publish quality articles submitted for consideration. We continue to underscore our commitment to intellectual engagement and academic discourse and intend to ensure and maintain continuity in our interrogation of issues relating to African’s Technological advancement, Communication and Business.

We are excited by the challenge of serving you and are gratified by the increasing level of interest in the journal. We feel it is critical that the journal continues to remain truly interdisciplinary, though not every article submitted need to be interdisciplinary in orientation. We are mindful though that most of our volumes may be dominated by papers from technology, communication, and business experts.

We are interested in papers by junior scholars, senior scholars and graduate students as well. In short, we are looking for polished and “uncut diamonds” because we want to provide a platform for people to disseminate the results of their research. The present volume of Journal of Communication Technology and Business like the previous one, covers a very broad range of topics. Given the politics of the academy, we have taken the extraordinary step of publishing this volume, at considerable expense to the journal and the people who work on it, with an academic printing press in the glorious capital of Ghana.

We wish to thank the members of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Advisory and Review Board for working assiduously on this volume. It is, indeed, a labour of love. Above all, we thank all the contributors to this volume, those who have contributed to the next volume (a remarkable effort indeed) and those who are looking forward to making contributions in the future.

Prof. George Kofi Amoako